Sunday 18 November 2012


High level of pollution of ground waters in the State of Punjab in the north of India led to a genetic mutation of people. This fact was revealed during the research carried out recently, reports "BBC" ( The scientists, who were collecting a scientific material within two years, ascertain that poisonous pesticides and heavy metals got to a food chain. Due to this in Punjab the percentage of children with congenital ugliness sharply increased, the cancer cases considerably increased, many inhabitants had problems with kidneys. Report made by specialists of Chandigarh Institute of medical education, indicates communication between pollution of water and DNA mutation of people. 
During research scientists analyzed composition of ground waters, liquid industrial wastes and tap water. It appeared that 80 % of samples of ground waters contain mercury in the quantity much more exceeding norm. 70 % of samples of industrial drains showed presence of arsenic. This chemical element dangerous to the human being was found also in ground waters and even in tap water — his presence is revealed in 57,7 % and 50 % is exemplary respectively. In drainage watercourse of some cities (Ludhiana, Amritsar) a large amount of pesticides has been revealed. During research of samples of the blood taken from people living in these areas, the mutation of DNA was noted in 65 % of cases. Authors of the report specify that responsibility for environmental pollution lies not only at the industrial enterprises. Partly, this is farmers fault, who use pesticides in excessive quantities. Now experts develop recommendations how to protect the population from dangerous chemicals. For now scientists advise to carry out permanent monitoring to keep eye on water quality and a condition of sewer system. Today pollution of water gets really catastrophic scales. It is getting more and more difficult to receive water of acceptable purity for drink. Let's consider some of the most dangerous types of pollution. 
Chemical pollution of water proceeds both from the industrial enterprises, and from the household waste billion tons of which are scattered on all surface not only a land, but also oceans. Organic synthetic materials, for example, various plastic, paints, the polymeric fibers which washed away from fields or pesticides which have been thrown out behind worthlessness, that some large agrarian holdings so like to abuse, which are using for impregnation of wooden designs and many other substances which aren't capable to biological degradation, but can join in a metabolism process of live cells, acting there as catalysts of pathological exchange processes. Some chemical substances causing pollution of water, can be processed by live organisms, but often in such compounds which are much more toxic for biological organisms, than initial. One of them are authentic carcinogens (the substances causing formation of cancer tumors), others possess strongly pronounced teratogenic and mutagen properties (that is cause congenital anomalies of development or a mutation of biological organisms). 
Such influence is inherent in halogenated hydrocarbons, polychromatic compounds and phenols. Water pollution by nitrites and nitrates, most dangerously for children, who are in age category up to twelve years. In their stomachs acid isn't developed enough to suppress those bacteria which process nitrates in more toxic nitrites. But this problem concerns not only children, such nitro compounds are formed in certain conditions even in stomachs of adult people and cause the general poisoning. At such poisonings of newborn children, methemoglobinemia disease, calling also "blue baby syndrome" ( is developing, at this disease erythrocytes lose ability to oxygen transfer, the outcome of this pathology can be lethal. The reasons of progressing of cancer diseases can become benzole and trychlorethylene and even asbestos. If lead gets into organism it can lead to serious neurological pathologies, especially children suffer from it. Also water is get polluted by chlorine and its compounds, which is generally applies for water cleaning, but destroying microorganisms, at the same time, sate the water with dangerous chlororganical compounds.  Due to chlorine, water also gains unpleasant taste and loses transparency. And in that case when such compounds get into an organism of the pregnant woman, they can cause the heaviest congenital defects of a fetus, such, as heart and brain anomalies. From manganese and iron water gets blackish or brownish shades, the taste become worse. 
Long-term using of such water contributes to development of blood and liver diseases, also emergence of heart attacks. It is time for people to think of their behavior, to stop jeer at our planet, for it can strongly reduce such polluting factor, as the mankind, with one insignificant movement in planetary scale, for example, eruption of a large volcano or emergence of a new virus. People need to fall in love with the nature, and she will render a hundred times.

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